new guy

Hi Guys.  My name is Gary and I live in Alberta.  I dabble in antiques and frequently come across vintage bicycles.  My most recent purchase is a Red Bird which I believe is a 1899 .  I will try to post pictures and any info would be appreciated. Thanks


Model 50 is a 1899 .shows up in my 1899 brantford catalogue. Nice bike. Pedals are newer Gibson

Thanks Dave. Does anybody know what type of twine was used on the skirt protector. This green stuff looks a little out of place to me ?

hello Gary

welcome and you have a beautiful ladies

I don't know if you collect or looking to resell when you find old bicycles

but if you are looking to resell after enjoying it for a while, I am always looking for the older bicycles, especially Canadian





as for info on the bike, Dave probanly resumed it well

for the chainguard rope, you could probably find some at a local hardware store and just replicate how they did it on the bike

I have a 1896 Brantford ladies bike.  i used a white twine or I call it butcher cord as used by butchers that cut a wrap the meat for you. If you soak it in tea it will get a more yellow brown colour that looks pretty good. I think parts of you cgainguard are missing as per picture in catalogue for 99. Does you bike have a coaster brake? If so what kind? Are the wheels 28inch?

good comment on the tea, I have heard this many time, especially to dye white tires, but also a very good idea to use on the rope

I really have to try it

the seat is nice, but newer than the bike, and looks to be for a men's bike, what do you think Dave?

rear wheel looks coaster, i think we can see the clip for the brake arm.

I also think i see a brake clip, and the seat does look like a mans and is newer than original.Still a nice bike from what i see.

Getting lots of good info,  Thank guys. Yes coaster brakes with 28 inch tires.  It also has a wind up bell. Not sure if that would be original.  Heres another picture of the seat.  How did the mens differ from the ladies?  


 Very nice seat. Ladies would be a little shorter than the mens. Just frome the picture it looks like a mens seat but could be wrong.What does it say on the seat?




Hi Gary, beautiful bike!  It's definitely a later seat as it was made by CCM. The 1918 CCM catalogue is online and always a good reference point. In it, Comfort seat numbers 24 and 34 are listed. Yours is number 44. The 24 is described as a Ladies 8 1/2" x 7 1/2".  The 34 is listed as a Ladies 10" x 8 1/2"  I don't know if yours is a mens or ladies but as Dave said, it looks large for a Ladies bike.  In the 1918 catalogue you will also find pedals that are more suitable for your bike. It likely had steel "rat trap" pedals without large rubber blocks.





I do have some spare seats and will have to see if I have one more suitable along with the pedals.  Any estimates on what this bike would sell for ,

Any guesses on what my 1899 Red Bird would sell for ?

Dave, you want to take this one?

I guess it depends on what the bike looks Like up close, rims, frame. any repairs or suprises .What does he think it is worth. it is worth what someone will pay.

Back to you Brian ?

I'm not a expert on pre 1900 prices so I can only give a broad range. Bikes like this with certain parts swapped out are unique. It depends on condition, location, if you want to sell quickly or are willing to wait to get your price. I have seen Canadian bikes from this time period sell between $600 and 1500. To buy correct pedals and a saddle would be very expensive. Plus the hub brake is likely a replacement too. So this bike would probably sell in the lower half of that range. I hope that helps. Is it for sale?

Thanks Brian. Appreciate the info. Going to hold off on selling for a while.

I would try to buy it from you but I've blown my bike budget for the year in the past three months! If you decide to sell it next year, feel free to contact me :)

I am ready to purchase at anytime, my bike budget permits it

Any interest at $1400.000 ?
Thinking of taking it to antique auction.

Very nice early CCM bicycle.Welcome to the forum and site