From Curtis

hello john

can you post this add for me thank you curtis

rear fender as seen Brian R bike mens 1917 i need  chain guard for 1924 ccm ladies or rear
fender for same trade 



John, please let Yorke know that I am interested in the rear fender. I can pay. I do not have a chainguard for a 1924 ladies, but I have a rear fender (blue and white) that came of  a 1922 male Cleveland. So it does not have the holes for the skirtguard.


I can be contacted at:

Marc from Ottawa.  

Hi Curtis and Marc.  I have both a 1924 CCM Ladies chainguard and rear Ladies fender for the same bike. Marc, I know you need parts. I have too many projects anyway. Maybe we can make a 3-way deal that gives everyone the parts they need and everyone's happy.  I will send both an email to continue the conversation.

