Regrets, I've had a few.....

One of the regrets I have regarding my early research into the history of CCM is that I never realized who Doug Peace was. Doug lived with his family in a stone house on the edge of Perth, Ontario, where he conducted a small antiques business. I lived not far away and would occasionally pop in to see what he had. Although I never met him, I recognized him and would often see him at auctions in the area.

What I didn't know was that Doug had been a long-time employee of CCM serving for many years as their Eastern Ontario sales rep. He was also the son of Harvey Peace, another long-time CCM employee, who had designed the CCM Bike Wagon, the CCM Flyte and the CCM Automobile Skate.

Born in 1919, in his younger days Doug Peace had been a champion bicycle racer. Competing as a member of the Maple Leaf Wheelmen Club of Toronto, he was a four-time national champion.

Doug Peace at the age of 16 named Canada's outstanding cyclist of the year for 1935

Doug started cycling in 1933 at the age of 14 when he won the schoolboy championship. In 1934 he won both the quarter-mile and one-third-mile Dominion championships. In 1935 he won three more Dominion championships and was voted by the Canadian Wheelmen's Association as Canada's outstanding bicycle rider of the year. In 1936 he competed in the Berlin Summer Olympics, but was eliminated in the second round against eventual bronze medallist Louis Chaillot.

Unfortunately by the time I came to know who Doug was he had passed away from cancer. To this day I regret the fact that I never had the opportunity to speak to him.